Analyzing geodetic leveling and subsidence of benchmarks: data and conclusions for Zhezkazgan and GEV-Lermontovo villages
instrumental observations, geodetic monitoring, geodesy, leveling, profile linesAbstract
This article analyzes geodetic leveling data at sites in the villages of Zhezkazgan and GEV-Lermontovo for the period from 2014 to 2020 using correlation matrices, statistical tests, and box plots. Using the rock displacement data on benchmarks along selected profile lines, detailed analyses were conducted in two groups (Group "A" with the data from 2018 to 2020 and Group "B" with the in-depth study of subsidence levels since 2014). In group "A", correlation matrices were analyzed and statistically significant relationships were determined between the levels of subsidence of the benchmarks. Group "B" was aimed at studying changes in the level of subsidence along the three profile lines for different periods. Using box plots, the distribution and variability of subsidence levels were visualized, anomalies were identified and potential problem areas were identified. The results indicate significant subsidence on profile line 115 caused by mining activities in the area of the Lermontovo hydraulic fracturing site. These studies are valuable information for geodesists and geologists and can be used to manage urban development, infrastructure stability, and environmental protection in the region. The results obtained are of interest for further studies and can serve as the basis for the development of appropriate strategies and remedial measures.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zhunussova, G., Igemberlina, M., & Abekov, U.

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