Physico-chemical aspects of uranium extraction for investigation of underground well leaching control systems
Physico-chemical aspects, recovery, uranium, theoretical substantiation, recovery, uranium, theoretical substantiation, in-situ leaching, wells.Abstract
This article gives the physical and chemical aspects of uranium extraction from the zones of reservoir oxidation using ultrasonic technology and the theoretical justification for the technology of in-situ borehole leaching (ISL) of uranium deposits in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan has significant reserves, well-explored uranium deposits, developed uranium mining and processing capacities, as well as the current state of the world uranium market, which determine the prospects for the development of the uranium mining industry in Kazakhstan. Ore deposits of uranium deposits localized at the fronts of seam oxidation zones are largely similar in terms of the chemical composition of host rocks. Fe, Al, Mg, Ca, K, and Na are among the most widespread petrogenic elements of rock-forming minerals. Uranium is observed in association with iron, vanadium, selenium, molybdenum, rhenium, and other elements. Uranium mineralization is represented by exogenous (secondary) minerals – pitchblende and coffinite. In the general balance of uranium minerals, pitchblende is about 30%, and coffinite is about 70%. Nasturan (хUO2×yUO3×z) is represented by an association of tetravalent uranium dioxide and hexavalent uranium trioxide with a variable composition (UO2+UO3) - 65-85%, coffinite - tetravalent uranium silicate USiO4.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Turganaliev, C., Oryngozha, E., Oringozhin, E., Nikulin, V., & Alisheva, Z.

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