Optimizing the contours of open pit mining with the use of mining and geological information systems and technologies
open pit mining, iron ore, mining efficiency, open pit contour, mining operations, information technology, geotechnologiesAbstract
This article studies optimization of open pit mining using mining and geological information systems and technologies. The aim of the study is to develop an algorithm of optimizing the contour of an open pit using a mining and geological information system. The Lerch-Grossman algorithm has been applied using the Whittle program. Justification for changing the contour of an open pit based on the opening scheme, geometric characteristics and special technical and economic parameters of the blocks has been proposed. This proposal provides increasing the production efficiency and reducing capital and operating costs during the development of the deposit. The authors have come to the conclusion that the functionality of updated mining and geological information systems helps to take into account market conditions when designing the main parameters of an open pit and to make the right decision at the stage of preparing a deposit for development and while optimizing the existing open pit contour.
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