Determination of optimum parameters of melting and converting of iron-containing melt with the production of vanadium-containing slag
titanomagnetite, iron oxide, carbon, solid-phase reduction, magnetic separation, melting, cast iron, conversion, vanadium, slag.Abstract
The development of a comprehensive technology for processing titanomagnetite concentrate at the Masalsky field will enable the production of an iron-containing alloy and a vanadium product.The processing of the titanomagnetite concentrate of the Masalsky deposit includes rework firing, magnetic separation of the cinder, the melting of a large phase of the reduced metal and the magnetic fraction of the cinder, and further conversion of the cast iron to produce vanadium-containing slag and iron-containing alloy. In this paper, the main direction was to determine the optimal melting parameters and convert the iron-containing melt to produce a vanadium-containing slag. Melting of the magnetic fraction and class +0.1 mm of cinder after reduction firing was carried out at temperatures of 1400, 1450 and 1500 °C. It was found that the optimum melting temperature of the class +0.1 mm and the magnetic fraction of the cinder is 1450 ° C for 20 min. Chemical, mineralogical and electron probe analysis of the obtained alloys showed that after melting the phases become more homogeneous, structured and magnetic. The composition of the glandular matrix consists of 88-90 % of reduced iron and manganese inclusions of about 7%. The aggregative structure of the matrix is due to the presence of rounded, oval separations with a cementing mass, detected at relatively high magnifications. Vanadium in all samples is concentrated in the interstices between the rounded ferruginous segregations. Carbon together with iron is in large inclusions. Composition of the obtained cast iron, wt. %: 88.3-90.2 Feсоmm; 0.286-0.354 V; 0.012-0.236 Ti; 3.54-4.06 C. The cast iron was converted into a laboratory unit consisting of a Kejia chamber furnace, an air flow meter, an air supply pump 2FY-1B. The parameters of the conversion of cast iron were determined: a temperature interval of 1200-1450 °C, a duration of 110 minutes with an air supply of 5-10 liters / min. Vanadium-containing slags of the following composition, wt. %: 13.8-16.05 V2O5; 35.9-42.8 Fecomm; 3.5-11.17 TiO2; 3.78-17.66 SiO2; 1.6-2.9 Cr; 5.95-9.5 Mn. The composition of iron-containing alloys, wt. %: 96.8-97.1 Fecomm; 0.11-0.26 Ti; 0.1-0.14 V; 0.78-1.2 C; 0.1-0.13 Si; 0.035-0.40 Cr; 0.3-0.4 Mn. The cast iron and vanadium slag obtained by us correspond to the existing analogues in terms of the content of impuritycomponents.
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