The study of oxidizing roasting of vanadium-containing ore with alkali metal salts
vanadium-containing ore, roasting, calcined soda, sodium chloride, semi-quantitative X-ray phase and spectral analysis.Abstract
The article contains the vanadium-containing ores oxidation of the Balasauskandyk and Kurumsak deposits in Kazakhstan using pyro-metallurgical methods upon availability of alkali metal salts; and the influence of various effects (temperature, the sort and reagents consumption) on the vanadium react degree to a soluble form has been studied. This like reducing-oxidizing roasting upon availability of alkali metal salts may contribute to the vanadium react to a soluble form that will provide for a more complete recovery of vanadium in subsequent stages. Chemical testing of original vanadium-containing ores, semi-quantitative X-ray phase and spectral cinders analysis obtained after vanadium-containing ore roasting are provided. Roasting and vanadium-containing ores oxidation were carried out by different options: 1 – upon availability of calcined soda, 2 – upon availability of sodium chloride, 3 – upon availability of calcined soda and sodium chloride mixture in 700-850 ° C temperature range for 2 hours. As a result, after the complete carbon combustion in the ore SiO2 quartz content in the cinder reaches from 89 to 96% was found, also hematite Fe2O3 from 1 to 5.5%, specular stone (K,Ва)(Al,Fe,Mg,V)2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 containing vanadium from.
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