Investigation of the microstructure of the oil pipeline pipes destroyed as a result of corrosion
Corrosion, oil pipeline pipes, electrical, conductivity, diesel, fuel.Abstract
It is shown that the complexity of Kazakhstan's oils requires specific ways to protect oil pipelines from damage caused by metal corrosion. Even the presence of only paraffin in oil can cause sedimentation effects in the volume of liquid (Dorn effect). And the complexity in the molecular composition of oil causes electrophoretic impacts that lead to increased corrosion rate. All this should be considered when developing corrosion protection. The physical and mathematical analysis of possible mechanisms of electrophoretic mobility of components with the participation of liquid systems was carried out. In such a system with ions content, the macroscopic object will move as a charged particle having the same charge sign as the skeleton. The triboelectric effects on the metal/organic liquids (oil, fuel oil, etc.) boundary have been analyzed to determine their influence on the corrosion of pipeline metals. There are many methods used for temperature-strength control of reinforced concrete structures globally. Their majority is associated with the significant challenges of being time-consuming, costly, and prone to errors. Therefore, this study investigated the potential applicability of the surface-strength approach of specimens using non-destructive testing methods to derive temperature-strength relationships as an alternative approach to the currently widely used methods.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Suleimenova, F., El Sayed, N., Sharipov, R., & Suleimenov, E.

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