Hybrid Sorbents for Removal of Arsenic
arsenic, sorption, composites, hybrid sorbents, carbon fiber, chitosan.Abstract
The paper analyzes data on the removal of arsenic by sorption methods using materials that have prospects for large-scale application in water treatment. These materials include transition metal oxides in the micro- and nano-dimensional form, including those in the composition of composite materials with inorganic matrices, or hybrid sorbents in the composition with polymer resins or natural biopolymers. Examples of the use of composite (hybrid) sorbents for the removal of arsenic from solutions with low concentrations (at the level of MPC) are given. The objective of this article was to sum the up-to-date information about the most important features of chitosan-containing and chitosan-carbon materials we developed in view their use in arsenic removal processes at low concentrations to concentrations that meet WHO requirements. The paper presents data on the sorption properties of Mo-containing activated carbon fibers and chitosan-carbon composite materials towards arsenic (V) when it is extracted from bidistilled and tap water under static and dynamic conditions. The factors of the different behavior of the sorbents depending on the form of a biopolymer deposited on the fiber and the stability of the sorbents during the sorption of arsenic are discussed.
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