The development of the thermal schemes joint processing of sulphide of lead concentrates, and waste slags by the method of extreme power saving
sulphide lead concentrate, reactor inversion phase – rotary kiln, cupreous cast iron, zinc-germanium containing sublimates, artificial gas, energy saving.Abstract
Along the advantages, modern processes of direct smelting of lead raw materials have a number of disadvantages: heat and material losses with fuming slag; low quality sulfuric acid production; a twofold increase in the specific fuel consumption in the production of metals from refractory zinc, iron-containing wastes, compared to their extraction from “rich” raw materials. The aim of the work is to develop an energy-saving thermal scheme of waste-free processing of lead sulphide concentrates together with waste zinc-containing slag, which will be several times lower in specific fuel consumption than on existing analogues.The methodology of extreme energy saving (MEES) has been adopted as a scientifically justified search method. Following the basic principles of the MEES, experiments were successively carried out: (1) on determine a time of melt mixing in the gas-liquid model of the smelting reactor, (2) on sublimate zinc, germanium and reduce iron from liquid slag of the Chymkent lead plant (ChLP), excavated slag of Ust- Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant and ChLP on a pilot plant with a capacity of 1.5 t / h. The results of experimental studies were processed by the methods of planning experiments and affine modeling. As a result of the search, a new method for treating the melt, the “smelt layer with inversion phase”, was found, on its base an aggregate “reactor inversion phase — rotary kiln” was created. It is shown that slag recycling at the pilot plant is 3-4 times higher in specific productivity, and 2-3 times lower in specific fuel consumption than in operating waelz-kiln. Technology of waste-free processing of lead sulfide concentrate together with waste slag has been developed; on the basis of the created unit and technology, the thermal scheme of the new system for the production of primary lead has been formed. Calculations of the thermal scheme show that in the new system the specific fuel consumption will decrease by 3.5-4 times in comparison to the process “oxidative agglomeration roasting – reduction shaft smelting – fuming”.
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