Verification of three-dimensional mathematical modeling when calculating the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel in an experimental cylindrical furnace enriched with a plasma fuel system
Plasma activation, burner, combustion simulation, fuel system, carbonAbstract
In this work, the operation of the boiler in traditional and plasma-activated conditions is investigated. To test the possibility of modeling the Cinar ICE program with an understanding of the physical mechanism of the processes of electrothermochemical fuel preparation (ETCF) and combustion, a study of coal combustion in an experimental furnace with a thermal power of 3 MW equipped with a plasma fuel system was carried out. To study the combustion process of an air mixture that had undergone preliminary plasma preparation for combustion, one-dimensional plasma-coal and three-dimensional computer programs Cinar ICE were used, which study in detail the mechanism of the kinetics of thermochemical exchange in a two-phase flow, where the plasma fuel source is located, and the exact geometry of the furnace, and the kinetics of the process сombustion of coal particles. As a result of calculations, the distribution of temperature, velocity of gas and particles in the process of ETCPT, the concentration of gas-phase mixtures, the concentration of carbon and the degree of gas contamination in the remainder of alloyed coal were determined. It was found that the plasma activation of combustion affects the thermal characteristics of the Torch, the mechanical non-combustible fuel residue and the concentration of nitrogen oxide at the outlet from the furnace. It has been proven that when simulating coal combustion, it is possible to achieve an effective description of the process using the Cinar ICE program.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Messerle, V., Bolegenova, S., Bodykbayeva, М., Kuykabayeva, А., Slavinskaya, N., & Tastanbekov, А.

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