X-Ray diffraction and mössbauer studies of Fe-57 implantation into the metallic Ta AND Mo
implantation, conversion and absorption Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, STRIM software, radiation damage.Abstract
Development of nuclear and thermonuclear energy poses a number of problems for materials scientists related to the creation of structural materials. It should be noted that to date, the material of the fuel rod ducts, which would be able to realize the economical, long-term and safe operation of FNR in full scope, has not been developed. The study of the properties of structural materials for operating and future nuclear plants is still one of the most important scientific and technical challenges. The methods of X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy on 57Fe nucleus were used to study the effect of implanting 57Fe ions of 1 MeV energy and the fluence of 5*1016ion/cm2 on the radiation resistance properties of the structural materials of the nuclear industry of metallic Ta and Mo. Mössbauer studies were of two methods: 1) standard transmission geometry (MS) and 2) conversion electrons registration from the material surface (KEMC). Concentration of the implanted Fe atoms was calculated using STRIM software. Two phases formation was found at the result of implantation into Ta and Mo matrices. The main phase in molybdenum (84%) is a solid solution of Fe replacement into Mo. The main phase in tantalum (78%) corresponds to formation of Fe complexes in the matrix of Ta. The obtained results of the study could be used to solve the issues of NPPs safe operation and to improve the efficiency of their operation, enabling the resource characteristics of core materials to be correctly assessed and to predict their behavior at high damaging radiation doses.
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