Development of energy-efficient method for processing industrial waste
energy-saving method, phase inversion reactor — tube furnace, “zinc-poor” slags, a combination of “ideal” mixing and displacement modes.Abstract
An energy-saving method for processing technogenic waste has been developed — a smelt layer with inversion phase as a combination of “ideal” mixing and “ideal” displacement regimes. On its basis, a new generation of melting unit was created - the “reactor inversion phase - rotary kiln”. Experimental data show that in the inversion phase layer the specific fuel consumption for processing the “poor” on zinc and “rich” on zinc slags is approximately the same. The latter provision contradicts the prevailing opinion of metallurgists that the processing of slag with a zinc concentration of less than 5% is unprofitable. Сalculation results demonstrate that in case of implementation of an industrial sample of “reactor inversion phase - rotary kiln for processing “poor” slag, compared to the Waelz kiln processing “rich” slag, the specific consumption of fuel will be reduced by 1.5-1.7 times and specific productivity will increase 1.4-1.5 times. The industrial realization of “reactor inversion phase -rotary kiln” would allow cost-effective processing of fuming slag dumps, Waelz clinker, “poor” zinc ores, enrichment tails and other non-ferrous metal wastes.
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