Study of the influence of fine fillers from technogenic waste and chemical additives on the properties of self-compacting concrete
workability, conservability, concrete strength, chemical additives, self-compacting concrete, fine aggregate.Abstract
The article is devoted to the researches considering the influence of various chemical additives and fine fillers (industrial wastes) available in the Republic of Kazakhstan on concrete mixes and concrete rheological and physical-technical properties. The article provides laboratory studies results of some of self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixtures properties. There were identified the most efficient type of fine-dispersed filler and the most optimal type of chemical additive to be able to get a high-quality SCC mix and a concrete with the class of B25 based on local raw materials. There were enlisted compositions of SCC with a high strength in early terms. The research results are of practical value in the forms of economic efficiency and quality improvement in the production of SCC mixes for manufacturers of ready-mixed concrete operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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