Investigation of dielectric and strength properties of organoplastics. Review
unmanned aerial vehicles, fairing, organoplastics, permittivity, tensile strength.Abstract
Currently, the production and use of military UAVs in the direction of robotic complexes is actively developing. The purpose and use of military UAVs differ from civilian ones, based on two functions: reconnaissance purpose and a carrier of a warhead. The specifics of military UAVs are their invisibility to enemy radars and ensuring stable transmission of information from the command post. For these purposes, first of all, the UAV material must have the properties of radio transparency. For the production of UAV hulls, power elements, high-strength PCM are needed, which include organoplastics, carbon fiber, fiber glass. The choice of materials for parts of components and assemblies of aviation equipment depends on their operating conditions: operating loads, material properties. Organoplastics (OP) fully meets these requirements among polymer composite materials (PCM). OP have high strength properties along with low dielectric losses (radio transparency) compared to other fiber composites. This paper presents an overview of studies of dielectric and strength properties, as well as ways to improve the mechanical properties of organoplastics. The analysis of the work has shown that for radiotransparent organoplasty, the optimal frequency range of permittivity is 1kHz-12 GHz. The ultimate strength of organoplastics varies in the range from 320 MPa to 1 GPa. The possibilities of increasing the strength of aramid fibers and ways of modifying organoplastics epoxy resins are considered.
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