Correlation in Disordered Systems


  • G.S. Shaikhova Karaganda State Technical University
  • N. Adilbek Karaganda State Technical University
  • К.М. Akhmetov Karaganda State Technical University
  • V.V. Zhurov Karaganda State Technical University
  • G.E. Shegebayev Karaganda State Technical University



correlation, Fourier transform, Brownian motion, Markov equation, disordered system, dynamic variables, fluctuation, fluctuation-dissipation theorem.


 In this paper, authors consider the theoretical aspects of the dynamics of liquid metals and the issues of correlations in disordered systems. The goal is to demonstrate that in choosing variables it is necessary to bring the equation of Markov processes to an approximation in which among the selected variables there are long-range components. However, this choice should include persistent variables. In numerous studies it is shown that selection cannot be made for the initial equation of motion with dynamic variables, and memory function analysis is required. As always, it contains a high-order memory function that can quickly decrease, and finally it can be again converted by the Markov process. Ways of simplifying the equation of Markov processes are given. In this work, authors derive the connection between the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function and the imaginary part of the dynamic susceptibility and the result of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.


Author Biographies

G.S. Shaikhova, Karaganda State Technical University

Dr of Tech. Sc., Ass. Prof., Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan. 

N. Adilbek, Karaganda State Technical University

Dr of Tech. Sc., Ass. Prof., Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan. 

К.М. Akhmetov, Karaganda State Technical University

Akhmetov K. М. - Dr of Tech. Sc., Ass. Prof., Karaganda State Technical University.

V.V. Zhurov, Karaganda State Technical University

Dr of Tech. Sc., Ass. Prof., Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan. 

G.E. Shegebayev, Karaganda State Technical University

MA, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan. 


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How to Cite

Shaikhova, G., Adilbek, N., Akhmetov К., Zhurov, V., & Shegebayev, G. (2020). Correlation in Disordered Systems. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo Syra = Complex Use of Mineral Resources, 313(2), 19–26.